
Pretérito indefinidoPast Simple in Spanish

What is the pretérito indefinido tense

The pretérito indefinido tense, commonly known as the simple past tense, is used to describe actions that were completed at a specific point in the past. It helps to precisely convey events that have clearly defined beginnings and endings.

Significance: Mastering the pretérito indefinido is crucial for effective communication in Spanish, as it allows speakers to narrate past events succinctly and clearly, providing a timeline of actions.

Common Usages:

  • Finished actions: To express actions that were completed in the past. For example, “Ayer comí una pizza” (Yesterday, I ate a pizza).
  • Specific times and dates: To mention when something happened. For example, “El lunes pasado fui al cine” (Last Monday, I went to the cinema).
  • Series of completed actions: To list multiple actions that were completed. For example, “Llegué, vi, vencí” (I came, I saw, I conquered).
  • Beginning or end of an action: To indicate when an action started or ended. For example, “Empecé a trabajar a las nueve” (I started working at nine).

Below is a brief overview of the conjugation for regular verbs in pretérito indefinido tense:

Verb Ending -AR Verbs (e.g., hablar) -ER Verbs (e.g., comer) -IR Verbs (e.g., vivir)
Yo hablé comí viví
hablaste comiste viviste
Él/Ella/Usted habló comió vivió
Nosotros hablamos comimos vivimos
Vosotros hablasteis comisteis vivisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hablaron comieron vivieron

How to conjugate regular verbs in pretérito indefinido

The pretérito indefinido, also known as the simple past tense, is used to describe actions that were completed at a specific point in the past. Here is how to conjugate regular verbs ending in -ar, -er, and -ir.

For regular -ar verbs, the endings are as follows:

  • yo: -é
  • : -aste
  • él/ella/usted: -ó
  • nosotros/nosotras: -amos
  • vosotros/vosotras: -asteis
  • ellos/ellas/ustedes: -aron

For regular -er and -ir verbs, the endings are:

  • yo: -í
  • : -iste
  • él/ella/usted: -ió
  • nosotros/nosotras: -imos
  • vosotros/vosotras: -isteis
  • ellos/ellas/ustedes: -ieron

Here is a table to illustrate the conjugations for the regular verbs hablar (to speak), comer (to eat), and vivir (to live):

hablar comer vivir
yo hablé comí viví
hablaste comiste viviste
él/ella/usted habló comió vivió
nosotros/nosotras hablamos comimos vivimos
vosotros/vosotras hablasteis comisteis vivisteis
ellos/ellas/ustedes hablaron comieron vivieron

What are the common irregular verbs in pretérito indefinido

The Pretérito Indefinido tense is often used to describe actions completed at a definite point in the past. While many verbs follow regular conjugation patterns, some of the most frequently used verbs are irregular and do not follow these standard patterns.

Here are some of the common irregular verbs in the Pretérito Indefinido tense:

  • Ser (to be)
  • Ir (to go)
  • Estar (to be)
  • Tener (to have)
  • Hacer (to do/make)
  • Poder (to be able to)
  • Decir (to say/tell)
  • Venir (to come)
  • Querer (to want)
  • Saber (to know)

The conjugations of these irregular verbs in the Pretérito Indefinido tense are as follows:

Verb Yo Él/Ella/Usted Nosotros/Nosotras Vosotros/Vosotras Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
Ser / Ir fui fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron
Estar estuve estuviste estuvo estuvimos estuvisteis estuvieron
Tener tuve tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvisteis tuvieron
Hacer hice hiciste hizo hicimos hicisteis hicieron
Poder pude pudiste pudo pudimos pudisteis pudieron
Decir dije dijiste dijo dijimos dijisteis dijeron
Venir vine viniste vino vinimos vinisteis vinieron
Querer quise quisiste quiso quisimos quisisteis quisieron
Saber supe supiste supo supimos supisteis supieron

How to structure sentences in pretérito indefinido

When structuring sentences using the pretérito indefinido tense, it is important to understand the basic syntax and word order rules. This tense is used to describe actions that were completed at a distinct point in the past.

Here are the fundamental elements of a sentence in pretérito indefinido:

  • Subject: The person or thing performing the action.
  • Verb: The action that was completed, conjugated in the pretérito indefinido tense.
  • Object: The person or thing affected by the action.
  • Other elements: Complementary information such as time, manner, or place.

The standard word order for a simple declarative sentence in pretérito indefinido is:

  1. Subject + Verb + Object + Other elements


  • Yo comí una manzana ayer. (I ate an apple yesterday.)
  • Ellos viajaron a México el año pasado. (They traveled to Mexico last year.)
  • Ella escribió una carta. (She wrote a letter.)

It is also possible to place the object at the beginning of the sentence for emphasis. In such cases, the word order changes:

  1. Object + Verb + Subject + Other elements


  • Una manzana comí yo ayer. (An apple I ate yesterday.)
  • Una carta escribió ella. (A letter she wrote.)

When including time, manner, or place elements, the word order can vary, but the verb still remains crucially in the second position:


  • Ayer comí yo una manzana. (Yesterday I ate an apple.)
  • El año pasado viajaron ellos a México. (Last year they traveled to Mexico.)

What are the key time indicators for pretérito indefinido

To effectively use the pretérito indefinido tense, recognizing key time indicators is essential. These time expressions give context to the actions described, helping to specify when they occurred.

Some commonly used time indicators with the pretérito indefinido are:

  • AyerYesterday: Indicates an action that took place the day before.
  • AnocheLast night: Refers to an event or action occurring the previous night.
  • El año pasadoLast year: Used to talk about events that happened in the previous year.
  • La semana pasadaLast week: Denotes actions or events that occurred in the prior week.
  • El mes pasadoLast month: Indicates events that took place in the previous month.
  • Hace + time period(time period) ago: Specifies that an action occurred a certain amount of time ago (e.g., hace dos díastwo days ago).
  • AnteayerThe day before yesterday: Refers to an event that occurred two days prior.
  • En (year/date)In (year/date): Specifies an action that took place in a certain year or on a specific date (e.g., en 1999in 1999).
  • Una vezOnce: Indicates that an action occurred one time in the past.
  • De repenteSuddenly: Often used to introduce an action that happened unexpectedly in the past.

Understanding these time expressions can greatly aid in mastering the use of the pretérito indefinido tense, as they provide clear temporal context to actions and events.

Usage Examples Past Simple

  • El mes pasado Juan terminó su proyecto. - Last month Juan finished his project.
  • Ella dibujó un paisaje hermoso. - She drew a beautiful landscape.
  • Nosotros trabajamos en el jardín el domingo. - We worked in the garden on Sunday.
  • María y José corrieron una maratón el mes pasado. - María and José ran a marathon last month.
  • Ellos hablaron por teléfono. - They talked on the phone.
  • El tren llegó a tiempo. - The train arrived on time.
  • Carlos leyó un libro interesante. - Carlos read an interesting book.
  • Ayer luché contra mis miedos. - Yesterday I fought against my fears.
  • Ella estudió toda la noche. - She studied all night.
  • Ella visitó a su abuela el fin de semana. - She visited her grandmother on the weekend.
  • Ella escribió un cuento para la escuela. - She wrote a story for school.
  • Ellos jugaron al fútbol el sábado. - They played football on Saturday.
  • Ayer compré pan en la tienda. - Yesterday I bought bread at the store.
  • Llamaron a la puerta. - They knocked on the door.
  • María cocinó una paella deliciosa. - María cooked a delicious paella.
  • Luisa cantó en el concierto. - Luisa sang at the concert.
  • Los estudiantes escucharon al maestro. - The students listened to the teacher.
  • El perro saltó la cerca. - The dog jumped over the fence.
  • El mes pasado pinté mi cuarto. - Last month I painted my room.
  • Mi hermano montó su bicicleta. - My brother rode his bike.