
Cleaning UpTalking about cleaning tasks and organizing spaces in Spanish

What verbs describe cleaning actions

When talking about cleaning up, it’s important to know a variety of verbs that describe different cleaning actions. Here is a list of commonly used cleaning verbs in Spanish and examples to help you understand their use:

  • Barrer – to sweep
    Ejemplo: Ella barre el suelo todos los días. - She sweeps the floor every day.
  • Fregar – to scrub
    Ejemplo: Marcos friega los platos después de cada comida. - Marcos scrubs the dishes after every meal.
  • Mopar – to mop
    Ejemplo: Necesitamos mopar el piso de la cocina. - We need to mop the kitchen floor.
  • Aspirar – to vacuum
    Ejemplo: María aspira la alfombra cada semana. - Maria vacuums the carpet every week.
  • Limpiar – to clean
    Ejemplo: Debes limpiar tu habitación. - You should clean your room.
  • Quitar el polvo – to dust
    Ejemplo: Es importante quitar el polvo de los muebles. - It is important to dust the furniture.
  • Desinfectar – to disinfect
    Ejemplo: Ellos desinfectan las superficies de la cocina regularmente. - They disinfect the kitchen surfaces regularly.
  • Lavar – to wash
    Ejemplo: Voy a lavar la ropa hoy. - I’m going to wash the clothes today.

These verbs will be quite useful in discussions and activities related to cleaning. Practice using them in sentences to improve your vocabulary and fluency.

Which adjectives describe cleanliness and dirt

When discussing cleanliness and dirtiness in Spanish, various adjectives can be used to express different levels of cleanliness. Here is a list of commonly used adjectives along with example sentences to illustrate their use:

  • Limpio (clean)

El suelo está limpio. - The floor is clean.

  • Sucio (dirty)

El coche está sucio. - The car is dirty.

  • Impecable (spotless)

La cocina está impecable. - The kitchen is spotless.

  • Higiénico (hygienic)

Es importante mantener el baño higiénico. - It's important to keep the bathroom hygienic.

  • Polvoriento (dusty)

La estantería está polvorienta. - The shelf is dusty.

  • Ordenado (organized, tidy)

Mi escritorio está ordenado. - My desk is organized.

  • Desordenado (disorganized, messy)

Sígueme, el cuarto está desordenado. - Follow me, the room is messy.

  • Mugriento (grimy, filthy)

La pared está mugrienta. - The wall is grimy.

  • Brillante (shiny, sparkling clean)

Los platos están brillantes. - The dishes are sparkling clean.

  • Desinfectado (sanitized)

El quirófano siempre está desinfectado. - The operating room is always sanitized.

What phrases and expressions are useful for cleaning up

When discussing cleaning activities in Spanish, it’s helpful to know some common phrases and expressions. Here are a few that are widely used:

  • Organize: ordenar, organizar
  • Tidy up: recoger, arreglar
  • Clean: limpiar
  • Dust: quitar el polvo
  • Wipe down: pasar un paño, limpiar
  • Sweep: barrer
  • Mop: fregar, trapear
  • Vacuum: aspirar, pasar la aspiradora
  • Scrub: frotar
  • Get rid of: deshacerse de
  • Declutter: despejar, poner en orden

Below are examples of how these phrases can be used in context:

  • Necesito ordenar mi habitación. - I need to organize my room.
  • Vamos a recoger la sala antes de que lleguen los invitados. - Let's tidy up the living room before the guests arrive.
  • Es hora de limpiar la cocina. - It's time to clean the kitchen.
  • Tengo que quitar el polvo de los estantes. - I have to dust the shelves.
  • ¿Puedes pasar un paño por la mesa? - Can you wipe down the table?
  • Voy a barrer el piso. - I'm going to sweep the floor.
  • Después de barrer, debemos fregar el suelo. - After sweeping, we should mop the floor.
  • Voy a pasar la aspiradora en la alfombra. - I'm going to vacuum the carpet.
  • Necesitamos frotar las manchas del inodoro. - We need to scrub the toilet stains.
  • Es mejor deshacerse de lo que ya no usamos. - It's better to get rid of what we no longer use.
  • Debemos despejar el garaje este fin de semana. - We should declutter the garage this weekend.

Which common tools and supplies are used for cleaning

Let's explore some common tools and supplies used in cleaning and how they are used with examples in Spanish:

  • Vacuum Cleaner ( la aspiradora): A device used to clean floors and carpets by suctioning up dirt and debris. Example: Voy a pasar la aspiradora. (I am going to vacuum.)
  • Mop ( el trapeador): A tool for cleaning floors, typically consisting of a stick with a sponge or cloth head. Example: Necesito un trapeador para limpiar el piso. (I need a mop to clean the floor.)
  • Sponge ( la esponja): A small, porous cleaning tool used for scrubbing surfaces. Example: Pasa la esponja por los platos. (Pass the sponge over the dishes.)
  • Broom ( la escoba): A tool with bristles used to sweep floors. Example: Usa la escoba para barrer la cocina. (Use the broom to sweep the kitchen.)
  • Dustpan ( el recogedor): A flat container used with a broom to collect dirt and dust. Example: Trae el recogedor para recoger la suciedad. (Bring the dustpan to collect the dirt.)
  • Cleaning Cloth ( el trapo de limpieza): A cloth used for wiping and cleaning surfaces. Example: Pasa el trapo sobre la mesa. (Wipe the cloth over the table.)

These tools can help keep different areas of your home clean and tidy. Remember to use each tool correctly to achieve the best cleaning results.

Tool/Supply Spanish Example
Vacuum Cleaner la aspiradora Voy a pasar la aspiradora. (I am going to vacuum.)
Mop el trapeador Necesito un trapeador para limpiar el piso. (I need a mop to clean the floor.)
Sponge la esponja Pasa la esponja por los platos. (Pass the sponge over the dishes.)
Broom la escoba Usa la escoba para barrer la cocina. (Use the broom to sweep the kitchen.)
Dustpan el recogedor Trae el recogedor para recoger la suciedad. (Bring the dustpan to collect the dirt.)
Cleaning Cloth el trapo de limpieza Pasa el trapo sobre la mesa. (Wipe the cloth over the table.)

How to give and follow cleaning instructions

When you’re communicating cleaning instructions in Spanish, you can use both imperative sentences and polite requests. Below, we will provide examples of each type along with their English translations.

Imperative Sentences:

  • Barre el suelo. – Sweep the floor.
  • Friega los platos. – Wash the dishes.
  • Limpia el baño. – Clean the bathroom.
  • No olvides sacar la basura. – Don’t forget to take out the trash.
  • Sacude los muebles. – Dust the furniture.

These commands are straightforward and tell someone exactly what to do. They are often used among friends or family members when giving daily cleaning tasks.

Polite Requests:

  • Por favor, pase la aspiradora. – Please vacuum the floor.
  • ¿Podrías limpiar el baño? – Could you clean the bathroom?
  • Me ayudas a lavar las ventanas, por favor? – Could you help me wash the windows, please?
  • ¿Te importaría sacar la basura? – Would you mind taking out the trash?
  • ¿Serías tan amable de barrer el suelo? – Would you be so kind as to sweep the floor?

Polite requests are often used in more formal settings or when asking someone you don’t know well. They add a level of courtesy and respect to the request.

Here is a table to summarize the examples:

Barre el suelo.Sweep the floor.
Friega los platos.Wash the dishes.
Limpia el baño.Clean the bathroom.
No olvides sacar la basura.Don’t forget to take out the trash.
Sacude los muebles.Dust the furniture.
Por favor, pase la aspiradora.Please vacuum the floor.
¿Podrías limpiar el baño?Could you clean the bathroom?
Me ayudas a lavar las ventanas, por favor?Could you help me wash the windows, please?
¿Te importaría sacar la basura?Would you mind taking out the trash?
¿Serías tan amable de barrer el suelo?Would you be so kind as to sweep the floor?

What are some idioms and sayings about cleanliness

Here are some idioms and sayings about cleanliness:

  • "Estar limpio como una patena"

    This translates to "to be as clean as a whistle." It's used to describe someone or something that is extremely clean.


    "Esta casa está limpia como una patena." This house is as clean as a whistle.

  • "Borrón y cuenta nueva"

    This idiom means "a clean slate." It is used when someone wants to start over or make a fresh start without considering past mistakes.


    "Después de esa discusión, hagamos borrón y cuenta nueva." After that argument, let's have a clean slate.

  • "No es oro todo lo que reluce"

    This saying translates to "All that glitters is not gold." It suggests that not everything that looks pleasant or spotless on the surface is actually good or valuable on the inside.


    "Esa empresa parece perfecta, pero no es oro todo lo que reluce." That company seems perfect, but all that glitters is not gold.

  • "Lavar los trapos sucios en casa"

    This idiom translates to "wash your dirty linen in private." It means that personal or family problems should be solved privately and not shared with strangers.


    "Debemos lavar los trapos sucios en casa y no contar nuestros problemas a todo el mundo." We should wash our dirty linen in private and not tell everyone about our problems.

  • "Recién sacado del horno"

    This translates to "fresh out of the oven." It is often used to describe something that is brand new or freshly made.


    "Este pastel está recién sacado del horno." This cake is fresh out of the oven.

  • "Tener la sartén por el mango"

    This idiom literally means "to hold the pan by the handle," but it's equivalent to the English idiom "to have the upper hand." It's used to indicate that someone has control over a situation.


    "En esta negociación, él tiene la sartén por el mango." In this negotiation, he has the upper hand.

Which prepositions are used with cleaning activities

When discussing cleaning activities, various prepositions can be used to describe locations and actions. Below is a list of common prepositions along with example sentences to demonstrate their correct usage in context.

  • Under (debajo de): Barre debajo de la mesa (Sweep under the table).
  • On (sobre): Pon los libros sobre el estante (Put the books on the shelf).
  • Behind (detrás de): Limpia detrás de la puerta (Clean behind the door).
  • Between (entre): Aspiradora entre el sofá y la pared (Vacuum between the couch and the wall).
  • In (en): Tira la basura en la papelera (Throw the trash in the bin).
  • In front of (delante de): Coloca la alfombra delante de la chimenea (Place the rug in front of the fireplace).
  • Next to (al lado de): Pon las sillas al lado de la mesa (Put the chairs next to the table).
  • Above (encima de): Quita el polvo de los estantes encima de la cama (Dust the shelves above the bed).

Usage Examples Cleaning Up

  • Fregamos las ventanas con un limpiacristales. - We clean the windows with a glass cleaner.
  • Liza la ropa sucia en la lavadora. - Place the dirty laundry in the washing machine.
  • Ellas limpian las escaleras del edificio. - They clean the building's stairs.
  • Tiende la ropa en el tendedero. - Hang the clothes on the clothesline.
  • Limpia el horno después de usarlo. - Clean the oven after using it.
  • Lavo mi mochila los domingos. - I clean my backpack on Sundays.
  • Limpia los recipientes de las mascotas. - Clean the pet's containers.
  • El suelo está sucio. - The floor is dirty.
  • Limpio las encimeras de la cocina. - I clean up the kitchen countertops.
  • Doblo la ropa limpia después de secarla. - I fold the clean clothes after drying them.
  • Barre el suelo de la cocina. - Sweep the kitchen floor.
  • Nosotros barrimos el piso de la cocina. - We swept the kitchen floor.
  • Barre la entrada de la casa. - Sweep the front entrance of the house.
  • El baño necesita una buena limpieza. - The bathroom needs a good cleaning.
  • Ellos limpian el jardín en la primavera. - They clean the garden in the spring.
  • Recoge la basura antes de salir. - Pick up the trash before leaving.
  • Ella seca los platos con un paño. - She dries the dishes with a cloth.
  • Ordena los videojuegos en su sitio. - Put the video games in their place.
  • Frota el fregadero con esponja. - Scrub the sink with a sponge.
  • Lava los platos después de comer. - Wash the dishes after eating.