
First Day of SchoolTalking about experiences, feelings, and activities on the first day of school in Spanish

What are common nouns for the first day of school

Starting a new school year often come with various vocabulary that students need to get familiar with. Here is a list of common nouns that are frequently used on the first day of school, along with their translations and contextual examples:

  • Maestro / Maestra - Teacher
  • Ejemplo: El maestro explica las reglas de la clase. - The teacher explains the class rules.

  • Sala de clases / Aula - Classroom
  • Ejemplo: La sala de clases está decorada con dibujos. - The classroom is decorated with drawings.

  • Cuaderno - Notebook
  • Ejemplo: Necesito un cuaderno para tomar notas. - I need a notebook to take notes.

  • Estudiante - Student
  • Ejemplo: El estudiante nuevo se llama Juan. - The new student's name is Juan.

  • Mochila - Backpack
  • Ejemplo: Olvidé mi mochila en casa. - I forgot my backpack at home.

  • Horario - Schedule
  • Ejemplo: Vamos a revisar el horario de clases. - Let's review the class schedule.

  • Asignatura - Subject
  • Ejemplo: Mi asignatura favorita es matemáticas. - My favorite subject is math.

  • Recreo - Recess
  • Ejemplo: Durante el recreo, jugamos en el patio. - During recess, we play in the yard.

  • Libro - Book
  • Ejemplo: Trae tu libro al iniciar la clase. - Bring your book when the class starts.

Which verbs are useful on the first day of school

Here are some verbs that are particularly useful for discussing activities and routines during the first day of school:

  • Ir - to go
    • Voy a la escuela. - I go to school.
    • Vas a la clase de matemáticas. - You go to math class.
    • Va al recreo. - He/She goes to recess.
  • Estar - to be (temporary)
    • Estoy nervioso. - I am nervous.
    • Estás en la entrada. - You are at the entrance.
    • Está en la cafetería. - He/She is in the cafeteria.
  • Conocer - to meet/know
    • Conozco a mis profesores. - I meet/know my teachers.
    • Conoces a nuevos amigos. - You meet new friends.
    • Conoce el horario. - He/She knows the schedule.
  • Hablar - to talk/speak
    • Hablo con mis compañeros. - I talk with my classmates.
    • Hablas con el maestro. - You talk with the teacher.
    • Habla del plan de estudios. - He/She talks about the curriculum.
  • Tener - to have
    • Tengo muchos libros. - I have many books.
    • Tienes una mochila nueva. - You have a new backpack.
    • Tiene una actividad divertida. - He/She has a fun activity.
  • Hacer - to do/make
    • Hago la tarea. - I do my homework.
    • Haces amigos rápidamente. - You make friends quickly.
    • Hace un proyecto de arte. - He/She makes an art project.

How to describe the first day of school with adjectives

Describing the first day of school can cover a wide range of emotions and experiences. Here are some adjectives that can be useful for this topic:

  • Emocionante (Exciting): This word can describe the thrill and anticipation of starting a new school year.
    • El primer día de escuela fue muy emocionante. (The first day of school was very exciting.)
  • Nervioso (Nervous): This is a common feeling when meeting new teachers and classmates.
    • Estaba muy nervioso el primer día de clases. (I was very nervous on the first day of school.)
  • Feliz (Happy): Often used to describe the joy of seeing friends again and starting a new chapter.
    • Me sentí muy feliz de ver a mis amigos. (I felt very happy to see my friends.)
  • Confuso (Confusing): Describes the feeling of being lost or uncertain, typical for new students.
    • El horario de las clases era confuso. (The class schedule was confusing.)
  • Aburrido (Boring): Sometimes, the administrative talks and introductions can feel dull.
    • La primera clase fue un poco aburrida. (The first class was a little boring.)

Here is a table summarizing these adjectives with their translations and example sentences:

Adjective Translation Example
Emocionante Exciting El primer día de escuela fue muy emocionante.
Nervioso Nervous Estaba muy nervioso el primer día de clases.
Feliz Happy Me sentí muy feliz de ver a mis amigos.
Confuso Confusing El horario de las clases era confuso.
Aburrido Boring La primera clase fue un poco aburrida.

What phrases are essential for the first day of school

Here are some essential phrases for communicating effectively on your first day of school in a Spanish-speaking environment:

  • Buenos días - Good morning
  • Hola - Hello
  • ¿Cómo te llamas? - What is your name?
  • Me llamo [Tu Nombre] - My name is [Your Name]
  • Mucho gusto - Nice to meet you
  • Por favor - Please
  • Gracias - Thank you
  • De nada - You're welcome
  • ¿Dónde está el baño? - Where is the bathroom?
  • ¿Puedo ir al baño? - Can I go to the bathroom?
  • No entiendo - I don't understand
  • ¿Puede repetir eso? - Can you repeat that?
  • Tengo una pregunta - I have a question
  • ¿Qué página? - Which page?

Here are some situational examples:

  1. Greeting someone:

    Buenos días, soy [Tu Nombre]. Mucho gusto.

    Good morning, I am [Your Name]. Nice to meet you.

  2. Introducing yourself:

    Hola, me llamo [Tu Nombre]. ¿Cómo te llamas?

    Hello, my name is [Your Name]. What is your name?

  3. Asking for help:

    No entiendo. ¿Puede repetir eso?

    I don't understand. Can you repeat that?

  4. In the classroom:

    Tengo una pregunta, ¿qué página?

    I have a question, which page?

How to ask and answer questions about the first day of school

Starting a conversation on the first day of school can be intimidating, but knowing some key phrases and questions can make it easier. Here is a list of common questions students might need to ask or answer on their first day, along with translations and situational usage examples:

  • What's your name?

    ¿Cuál es tu nombre? - What's your name?
    Me llamo Ana. - My name is Ana.
  • Where are you from?

    ¿De dónde eres? - Where are you from?
    Soy de México. - I am from Mexico.
  • How old are you?

    ¿Cuántos años tienes? - How old are you?
    Tengo quince años. - I am fifteen years old.
  • What grade are you in?

    ¿En qué grado estás? - What grade are you in?
    Estoy en el décimo grado. - I am in tenth grade.
  • What's your favorite subject?

    ¿Cuál es tu materia favorita? - What’s your favorite subject?
    Mi materia favorita es matemáticas. - My favorite subject is math.
  • Do you like this school?

    ¿Te gusta esta escuela? - Do you like this school?
    Sí, me gusta mucho. - Yes, I like it a lot.
  • Have you made any friends?

    ¿Has hecho amigos? - Have you made any friends yet?
    Sí, he hecho algunos amigos. - Yes, I have made some friends.
  • Where is the cafeteria?

    ¿Dónde está la cafetería? - Where is the cafeteria?
    La cafetería está al final de este pasillo. - The cafeteria is at the end of this hallway.
  • What time does school end?

    ¿A qué hora termina la escuela? - What time does school end?
    La escuela termina a las 3:00 PM. - School ends at 3:00 PM.

What school supplies are needed for the first day

What school supplies are needed for the first day?

It can be very useful to know the names of common school supplies when discussing the first day of school in Spanish. Here is a list of items you might need:

  • Libros - Books
  • Cuadernos - Notebooks
  • Lápices - Pencils
  • Bolígrafos - Pens
  • Mochila - Backpack
  • Borrador - Eraser
  • Regla - Ruler
  • Tijeras - Scissors
  • Pegamento - Glue
  • Calculadora - Calculator

Below is a table where you can see some of these items with their pictures:

Item Picture
Libros - Books books
Cuadernos - Notebooks notebooks
Lápices - Pencils pencils
Bolígrafos - Pens pens
Mochila - Backpack backpack

How to talk about school routines

When discussing daily school routines and schedules, it's helpful to know phrases that describe activities, timeframes, and transitions. Here are some key phrases and vocabulary with translations and examples:

  • ¿A qué hora empieza tu primer clase?What time does your first class start?
  • Mi primera clase empieza a las ocho.My first class starts at eight.
  • El recreo es a las diez y media.Recess is at ten-thirty.
  • Tenemos almuerzo a mediodía.We have lunch at noon.
  • La clase de matemáticas dura una hora.Math class lasts one hour.
  • Después de la escuela, voy al club de deportes.After school, I go to the sports club.
  • ¿Cuándo es tu clase de ciencias?When is your science class?
  • La clase de ciencias es los martes y jueves.Science class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Trabajo en mis tareas después de la cena.I work on my homework after dinner.

These phrases can be used in conversations when discussing daily routines, asking about schedules, or explaining one's own school day. Below is a table to illustrate how you might use some of this vocabulary in context:

Spanish English
¿Qué haces después de la escuela? What do you do after school?
Voy a casa y hago mis tareas. I go home and do my homework.
¿Cómo te preparas para un examen? How do you prepare for an exam?
Repaso mis apuntes y estudio con amigos. I review my notes and study with friends.

How to express feelings about the first day of school

When discussing feelings about the first day of school, it's essential to have vocabulary and phrases that accurately capture different emotions. Here are some useful expressions and scenarios:

  • Excitement: If you're looking forward to the first day of school, you can use phrases like "Estoy emocionado/a" (I am excited), "No puedo esperar" (I can't wait), or "Estoy deseando conocer a mis nuevos compañeros" (I am looking forward to meeting my new classmates).
  • Nervousness: Feeling nervous is common. You might say, "Estoy nervioso/a" (I am nervous), or "Tengo mariposas en el estómago" (I have butterflies in my stomach). For example: "Estoy nervioso porque no conozco a nadie en mi clase" (I am nervous because I don't know anyone in my class).
  • Happiness: If you're happy about going back to school, use phrases like "Estoy feliz" (I am happy), or "Me alegra volver a la escuela" (I am glad to be back at school). For instance: "Estoy feliz de ver a mis amigos otra vez" (I am happy to see my friends again).
  • Worried: If you have concerns, you can say, "Estoy preocupado/a" (I am worried), or "Tengo miedo" (I am scared). Example: "Estoy preocupado por mis nuevas clases" (I am worried about my new classes).

To further help express feelings, here are some common scenarios and example sentences:

  • Talking to a friend: "Tengo miedo de no entender la materia" (I am scared I won’t understand the subject).
  • Sharing with a parent: "Estoy feliz porque tengo buenas clases este año" (I am happy because I have good classes this year).
  • Expressing to a teacher: "Estoy nervioso por hacer nuevos amigos" (I am nervous about making new friends).

What to know about school staff titles and roles

Understanding school staff titles and roles can help you navigate your first day of school more smoothly. Here is a list of common titles and roles of school staff members that students might need to interact with, including their Spanish translations, responsibilities, and typical phrases:

  • Principal (Director/a)
    Responsibility: Overall management of the school.
    Example phrases:
    - ¿Dónde está la oficina del director? - Where is the principal's office?
    - Buenos días, Director/a. - Good morning, Principal.
  • Vice Principal (Subdirector/a)
    Responsibility: Assists the principal and handles disciplinary actions.
    Example phrases:
    - Necesito hablar con el subdirector. - I need to speak with the vice principal.
    - Gracias, Subdirector/a. - Thank you, Vice Principal.
  • Teacher (Profesor/a)
    Responsibility: Teaches and manages classroom activities.
    Example phrases:
    - ¿Dónde está la clase del profesor Gómez? - Where is Mr. Gómez's class?
    - Buenos días, Profesor/a. - Good morning, Teacher.
  • Guidance Counselor (Consejero/a)
    Responsibility: Provides academic and personal guidance.
    Example phrases:
    - ¿Cómo puedo hacer una cita con el consejero? - How can I make an appointment with the counselor?
    - Necesito hablar con el consejero sobre mis clases. - I need to talk to the counselor about my classes.
  • School Nurse (Enfermero/a escolar)
    Responsibility: Provides medical care and manages health records.
    Example phrases:
    - Me siento mal, ¿puedo ver a la enfermera? - I feel sick, can I see the nurse?
    - ¿Dónde está la enfermería? - Where is the nurse's office?
  • Secretary (Secretario/a)
    Responsibility: Manages administrative tasks and helps with information.
    Example phrases:
    - Necesito registrar mi asistencia, ¿puede ayudarme? - I need to check in, can you help me?
    - ¿Puede indicarme dónde está mi salón de clases? - Can you tell me where my classroom is?
  • Custodian (Conserje)
    Responsibility: Maintains cleanliness and safety of the school.
    Example phrases:
    - ¿Puede ayudarme a encontrar mi salón? - Can you help me find my classroom?
    - Gracias por mantener la escuela limpia, Conserje. - Thank you for keeping the school clean, Custodian.

Understanding these roles can help you know who to turn to for different situations and how to properly address them. It will make your first day of school easier and more comfortable.

Usage Examples First Day of School

  • Voy a conocer a nuevos amigos. - I am going to meet new friends.
  • Traje una merienda. - I brought a snack.
  • Hoy me sentaré en un escritorio. - Today I will sit at a desk.
  • Hay muchos niños en mi clase. - There are many children in my class.
  • Voy a cuidar mis útiles escolares. - I am going to take care of my school supplies.
  • Voy a usar marcadores nuevos. - I am going to use new markers.
  • Llevo un almuerzo delicioso. - I carry a delicious lunch.
  • Voy a hacer un dibujo. - I am going to draw a picture.
  • Me gusta la clase de inglés. - I like English class.
  • La escuela tiene un patio grande. - The school has a big yard.
  • El recreo será divertido. - Recess will be fun.
  • Voy a pintar en la clase de arte. - I am going to paint in art class.
  • Voy a hacer un proyecto escolar. - I am going to do a school project.
  • Me aprendí el horario. - I learned the schedule.
  • Voy a usar lápices de colores. - I am going to use colored pencils.
  • Hoy es un día soleado. - Today is a sunny day.
  • Voy a la escuela temprano. - I go to school early.
  • Conocí a mi nueva maestra. - I met my new teacher.
  • Hoy es un día especial. - Today is a special day.
  • Hoy me siento muy feliz. - Today I feel very happy.