
At the DoctorDiscussing health issues, appointments, and treatments in Spanish

What are common nouns used at the doctor

This section will cover a list of frequently used nouns in a medical setting, such as body parts, medical instruments, and common illnesses.

Common Nouns for Body Parts:

  • la cabeza - the head
  • el brazo - the arm
  • la pierna - the leg
  • el corazón - the heart
  • los ojos - the eyes

Common Nouns for Medical Instruments:

  • el termómetro - the thermometer
  • la jeringa - the syringe
  • el estetoscopio - the stethoscope
  • la venda - the bandage
  • el bisturí - the scalpel

Common Nouns for Illnesses:

  • el resfriado - the cold
  • la gripe - the flu
  • la infección - the infection
  • la alergia - the allergy
  • el dolor - the pain

What are the essential verbs for a doctor's visit

This section will focus on verbs that are commonly used when visiting a doctor, such as symptoms describing actions, diagnosis, and treatment procedures. Here are some essential verbs and their usage in sentences:

  • Sentir (to feel)
  • Siento dolor en el pecho. - I feel pain in my chest.

  • Tener (to have)
  • Tengo fiebre. - I have a fever.

  • Tomar (to take)
  • Necesito tomar mi medicamento. - I need to take my medication.

  • Examinar (to examine)
  • El doctor va a examinarte. - The doctor is going to examine you.

  • Recetar (to prescribe)
  • El médico va a recetar unos antibióticos. - The doctor is going to prescribe some antibiotics.

  • Sufrir (to suffer)
  • Sufro de migrañas. - I suffer from migraines.

Additionally, knowing how to describe symptoms can be crucial during a doctor's visit. Here are some verbs used to describe common symptoms:

  • Doler (to hurt)
  • Me duele la cabeza. - My head hurts.

  • Toser (to cough)
  • No puedo dejar de toser. - I can't stop coughing.

  • Vomitar (to vomit)
  • He vomitado dos veces hoy. - I have vomited twice today.

  • Estornudar (to sneeze)
  • No paro de estornudar. - I can't stop sneezing.

These verbs are essential for effectively communicating your symptoms, understanding the diagnosis, and following the treatment procedures prescribed by a healthcare professional.

How do adjectives describe medical conditions

This section covers adjectives used to describe medical conditions and symptoms, such as 'chronic', 'acute', 'severe', and 'mild'.

Adjectives are crucial for providing precise descriptions of medical conditions and symptoms. Here are a few key adjectives:

  • Crónico - chronic
  • Agudo - acute
  • Severo - severe
  • Leve - mild

Here are some examples of how these adjectives can be used in sentences:

Spanish English
Él sufre de dolor crónico. He suffers from chronic pain.
El paciente tiene una infección aguda. The patient has an acute infection.
Ella experimenta síntomas severos. She experiences severe symptoms.
Él tiene una fiebre leve. He has a mild fever.

What phrases are useful in a doctor's office

This section will provide common phrases that patients and doctors might use during a consultation.


  • Hola, buenos días. - Hello, good morning.
  • Hola, buenas tardes. - Hello, good afternoon.
  • Hola, ¿cómo está usted? - Hello, how are you?

Questions about health:

  • ¿Qué le trae por aquí? - What brings you here?
  • ¿Cómo se siente? - How do you feel?
  • ¿Dónde le duele? - Where does it hurt?
  • ¿Ha tenido fiebre? - Have you had a fever?
  • ¿Es alérgico a algún medicamento? - Are you allergic to any medication?

Phrases for giving advice or instructions:

  • Necesita guardar reposo. - You need to rest.
  • Tome este medicamento cada ocho horas. - Take this medication every eight hours.
  • Haga una cita para la próxima semana. - Make an appointment for next week.
  • Beba mucha agua. - Drink plenty of water.
  • Evite comida grasosa. - Avoid fatty foods.

Dialogue example:

Spanish Translation
Doctor: Hola, buenos días. ¿Qué le trae por aquí? Doctor: Hello, good morning. What brings you here?
Paciente: Buenos días, doctor. Me duele mucho la cabeza. Patient: Good morning, doctor. My head hurts a lot.
Doctor: ¿Desde cuándo tiene este dolor? Doctor: How long have you had this pain?
Paciente: Desde hace tres días. Patient: Since three days ago.
Doctor: Necesita tomar este medicamento y guardar reposo. Doctor: You need to take this medication and rest.
Paciente: Muchas gracias, doctor. Patient: Thank you very much, doctor.

How to ask questions about symptoms

This section will cover how to ask about symptoms in Spanish. You'll learn question structures, common symptoms, and see example dialogues between a patient and doctor.

Common Question Structures:

  • ¿Qué síntomas tienes? – What symptoms do you have?
  • ¿Dónde te duele? – Where does it hurt?
  • ¿Desde cuándo tienes estos síntomas? – Since when have you had these symptoms?
  • ¿Cómo te sientes? – How do you feel?
  • ¿Has tenido fiebre? – Have you had a fever?

Common Symptoms:

  • doler – to hurt
  • fiebre – fever
  • tos – cough
  • garganta irritada – sore throat
  • mareo – dizziness
  • náuseas – nausea
  • congestión – congestion

Example Dialogue:

Patient Doctor

Doctor, tengo fiebre y me duele la cabeza.

Doctor, I have a fever and my head hurts.

¿Desde cuándo tienes estos síntomas?

Since when have you had these symptoms?

Desde hace dos días.

For two days.

¿Tienes algún otro síntoma?

Do you have any other symptoms?

Sí, tengo tos y náuseas.

Yes, I have a cough and nausea.

Te voy a examinar. Respira profundo, por favor.

I am going to examine you. Breathe deeply, please.

What vocabulary is needed for a prescription discussion

This section will cover vocabulary related to discussing prescriptions, such as names of medications, dosage instructions, and side effects. Here are some useful terms and phrases you might encounter:

  • Medicamentos - Medications
  • Dosis - Dosage
  • Efectos secundarios - Side effects
  • Receta médica - Prescription
  • Farmacia - Pharmacy
  • Instrucciones - Instructions

When reading a prescription label, you might see:

Spanish English
Nombre del medicamento Name of the medication
Tomar uno al día Take one daily
Antes de las comidas Before meals
Con agua With water
Posibles efectos secundarios Possible side effects

Here are some dialogues you might encounter:

  1. Doctor: ¿Está tomando algún medicamento actualmente?
    Patient: Sí, estoy tomando aspirina.
    Doctor: ¿Cuál es la dosis?
    Patient: Una pastilla de 100 mg al día.
  2. Pharmacist: Aquí tiene su receta médica. Tome una pastilla antes de las comidas.
    Patient: ¿Debo tomarla con agua?
    Pharmacist: Sí, con un vaso de agua.
  3. Doctor: Estos son los posibles efectos secundarios.
    Patient: ¿Qué debo hacer si experimento alguno?
    Doctor: Llámame inmediatamente si es necesario.

How to describe pain and discomfort

This section will explain how to describe different types and levels of pain and discomfort in Spanish. Knowing the right vocabulary and phrases can help you communicate more effectively with a doctor.

Basic vocabulary for pain:

  • Dolor - Pain
  • Molestia - Discomfort
  • Aguijón - Stinging
  • Ardor - Burning
  • Calambre - Cramp

Adjectives to describe pain:

  • Agudo - Sharp
  • Sordo - Dull
  • Punzante - Stabbing
  • Intermitente - Intermittent
  • Constante - Constant

Common phrases to describe pain:

  • Me duele aquí - It hurts here
  • Siento una molestia - I feel discomfort
  • El dolor es agudo - The pain is sharp
  • Es un dolor punzante - It is a stabbing pain
  • Tengo un ardor - I have a burning sensation

Describing pain levels:

To describe the intensity of pain, you can use the following phrases:

  • Leve - Mild
  • Moderado - Moderate
  • Severo - Severe
  • Muy severo - Very severe

Examples of describing pain levels:

  • El dolor es leve - The pain is mild
  • Es un dolor moderado - It is a moderate pain
  • El dolor es severo - The pain is severe

By using these phrases and adjectives, you can provide your doctor with a clear understanding of the pain or discomfort you are experiencing.

Usage Examples At the Doctor

  • Me duele la espalda. - My back hurts.
  • Necesito un análisis de sangre. - I need a blood test.
  • Me han dicho que descanse. - I have been told to rest.
  • Debo evitar el azúcar. - I should avoid sugar.
  • Me duele el estómago. - My stomach hurts.
  • Me duele el pecho. - My chest hurts.
  • ¿Hay alguna clínica cerca? - Is there a clinic nearby?
  • Me duele la muñeca. - My wrist hurts.
  • Tengo una alergia. - I have an allergy.
  • Tengo tos y dolor de garganta. - I have a cough and a sore throat.
  • ¿Cuánto tiempo dura el tratamiento? - How long does the treatment last?
  • Tengo problemas para dormir. - I have trouble sleeping.
  • Tengo un sarpullido en la piel. - I have a rash on my skin.
  • Tengo dolor en la espalda. - I have a pain in my back.
  • Tengo que usar este inhalador. - I have to use this inhaler.
  • ¿Cuándo puedo ir a casa? - When can I go home?
  • ¿Es grave mi condición? - Is my condition serious?
  • ¿Puedo tomar esta medicina con comida? - Can I take this medicine with food?
  • Tomé la medicina pero no me siento mejor. - I took the medicine but I don't feel better.
  • Me duele el cuello. - My neck hurts.