
Conjugation of the verb ‘Pedir’ in Spanish.How to conjugate Pedir.

Pedir, which means “to ask” or “to request,” is one of the most commonly used verbs in the Spanish language. This comprehensive guide will break down the verb pedir across present, preterite, imperfect, and subjunctive tenses, providing you with examples and insights to enhance your Spanish skills.

How to conjugate 'pedir' in the present tense

The present tense of pedir is one of the most frequently used forms and appears in everyday conversations. In this tense, pedir is a stem-changing verb, meaning that the stem vowel "e" changes to "i" in all conjugations except for the nosotros and vosotros forms.

Present Tense Conjugation of Pedir:

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Yo pido
Él/Ella/Usted pide
Nosotros/Nosotras pedimos
Vosotros/Vosotras pedís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes piden

Usage in Conversations:

  • Making a Request: Yo siempre pido ayuda cuando no entiendo algo. (I always ask for help when I don’t understand something.)
  • Placing an Order: En los restaurantes, pido una bebida antes de la comida. (In restaurants, I ask for a drink before the meal.)

Stem Changes in the Present Tense:

The stem change from "e" to "i" is important to master in the present tense. This stem change affects all the conjugations except for nosotros and vosotros, which remain regular.

Incorrect: Yo pedo ayuda. (This sounds awkward and is grammatically incorrect.)

Correct: Yo pido ayuda.

How to conjugate 'pedir' in the preterite tense

The preterite tense is used to express completed actions in the past, such as a request made or an order placed. In the preterite, pedir undergoes another stem change, but this change only occurs in the third-person forms (él/ella/usted and ellos/ellas/ustedes).

Preterite Conjugation of Pedir:

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Yo pedí
Él/Ella/Usted pidió
Nosotros/Nosotras pedimos
Vosotros/Vosotras pedisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pidieron

Example Sentences:

  • Asking for Something in the Past: Ayer pedí una reunión con mi jefe. (Yesterday, I asked for a meeting with my boss.)
  • Making a Formal Request: Ellos pidieron ayuda después del accidente. (They asked for help after the accident.)

Key Points for the Preterite Tense:

  • Only the third-person singular and plural forms undergo a stem change from "e" to "i" (pidió and pidieron).
  • The other forms (yo, tú, nosotros, vosotros) follow a regular conjugation pattern without stem changes.

How to conjugate 'pedir' in the subjunctive mood

The subjunctive mood is used in Spanish to express wishes, doubts, hypothetical situations, or emotions. Like the present indicative, pedir undergoes a stem change in the subjunctive mood.

Present Subjunctive Conjugation of Pedir:

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Yo pida
Él/Ella/Usted pida
Nosotros/Nosotras pidamos
Vosotros/Vosotras pidáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pidan

Example Sentences:

  • Expressing Wishes: Espero que pidas disculpas por llegar tarde. (I hope you ask for forgiveness for being late.)
  • Making a Suggestion: Es importante que pidas permiso antes de irte. (It’s important that you ask for permission before leaving.)

When to Use the Subjunctive:

The subjunctive is commonly used after certain expressions like espero que (I hope that), es necesario que (it’s necessary that), and quiero que (I want that). These phrases set the stage for hypothetical or uncertain actions, triggering the need for the subjunctive mood.

Conjugating 'pedir' in the imperfect and progressive forms

Imperfect Conjugation of Pedir:

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Yo pedía
Él/Ella/Usted pedía
Nosotros/Nosotras pedíamos
Vosotros/Vosotras pedíais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pedían

Example Sentence: Cuando era niño, siempre pedía juguetes nuevos. (When I was a child, I always asked for new toys.)

Present progressive conjugation of pedir

The progressive form indicates ongoing actions in the present or past. To form the progressive tense, use the verb estar followed by the gerund of pedir (pidiendo).

Example Sentences:

  • Estoy pidiendo ayuda con mi tarea. (I am asking for help with my homework.)
  • Estábamos pidiendo direcciones cuando nos perdimos. (We were asking for directions when we got lost.)

Conjugating 'pedir' in the future tense

The future tense of pedir is regular and follows the standard conjugation pattern of -IR verbs. This tense is used to express actions that will happen in the future.

Future Conjugation of Pedir:

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Yo pediré
Él/Ella/Usted pedirá
Nosotros/Nosotras pediremos
Vosotros/Vosotras pediréis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pedirán

Example Sentences:

  • Mañana pediré más tiempo para terminar el proyecto. (Tomorrow I will ask for more time to finish the project.)
  • Ellos pedirán ayuda la próxima semana. (They will ask for help next week.)

Conjugating 'pedir' in the conditional tense

The conditional tense is used to express what would happen under certain circumstances. Like the future tense, the conditional form of pedir is regular.

Conditional Conjugation of Pedir:

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Yo pediría
Él/Ella/Usted pediría
Nosotros/Nosotras pediríamos
Vosotros/Vosotras pediríais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pedirían

Example Sentences:

  • Yo pediría más tiempo si pudiera. (I would ask for more time if I could.)
  • Ellos pedirían permiso, pero no están seguros. (They would ask for permission, but they are not sure.)

What does 'pedir' mean in Spanish?

The verb pedir generally means “to ask” or “to request,” but its meaning can shift slightly depending on the context.

  • Voy a pedir una pizza para la cena. (I’m going to order a pizza for dinner.)
  • ¿Puedes pedir permiso para salir temprano? (Can you ask for permission to leave early?)

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

  • Confusing the Present and Preterite Tenses: Learners often mix up pido and pedí. Remember, pido is for present actions, and pedí is for completed past actions.
  • Forgetting Stem Changes: The stem change from e to i is easy to overlook in the present and preterite tenses. Be mindful of this irregularity, especially in third-person forms.

Cultural insights: using ‘pedir’ in different spanish-speaking regions

In Spain, pedir is commonly used in everyday situations such as ordering food, asking for help, or making a simple request. It's a casual and frequent verb that fits most social interactions. For instance, when dining at a restaurant in Spain, you’d typically say pedir la cuenta to ask for the bill.

In Latin America, pedir is also widely used, but there can be differences in formality depending on the country and context. While pedir is appropriate for everyday requests, you might hear more formal alternatives like solicitar in situations that require greater politeness or professionalism, such as requesting official documents or making a formal favor.

For example, in Mexico, you may say solicitar un documento when requesting an official paper, whereas pedir un café would still be used for informal scenarios like ordering coffee. Despite these nuances, pedir remains a universally understood verb across Spanish-speaking regions.


By mastering the conjugations of pedir across different tenses and moods, you’ll gain confidence in making requests, asking for help, and discussing actions in the past, present, and future. Practice these forms, and soon, pedir will become a natural part of your everyday Spanish conversations.

Now that you've finished the guide, try out our exercises to practice pedir conjugations. This will help reinforce what you've learned and boost your Spanish skills.

Usage Examples pedir

  • Nosotros pediremos sugerencias para mejorar la clase. - We will ask for suggestions to improve the class.
  • Yo pedí ayuda con la tarea ayer. - I asked for help with the homework yesterday.
  • Él pide más tiempo para terminar el proyecto. - He asks for more time to finish the project.
  • Nosotros pedimos una pizza grande para la fiesta. - We ordered a large pizza for the party.
  • Yo pedí perdón por mi error. - I apologized for my mistake.
  • Nosotros pedimos una mesa en el restaurante. - We request a table at the restaurant.
  • Nosotros pedimos pizza para la cena anoche. - We ordered pizza for dinner last night.
  • Vosotros pedís más detalles sobre el trabajo. - You all ask for more details about the job.
  • Vosotros pedisteis ayuda para limpiar el patio. - You (plural) asked for help to clean the patio.
  • Vosotros pediréis más detalles sobre el evento. - You all will ask for more details about the event.
  • Ellos no piden casi nunca perdón. - They almost never ask for forgiveness.
  • Yo no pido nada a cambio de mi ayuda. - I don't ask for anything in return for my help.
  • Tú pediste ayuda con tu tarea el miércoles pasado. - You asked for help with your homework last Wednesday.
  • Él pide información en la oficina de turismo cada verano. - He asks for information at the tourist office each summer.
  • Tú pedirás ayuda a tus amigos en tu mudanza. - You will ask your friends for help with your move.
  • Yo pedí una pizza anoche. - I ordered a pizza last night.
  • Tú no pediste consejo a tus amigos. - You did not ask your friends for advice.
  • Vosotros pedís que os esperen. - You (all) ask to be waited for.
  • Él no pide explicaciones por cosas sin importancia. - He doesn't ask for explanations about unimportant things.
  • Ellos pedirán permiso para organizar el evento. - They will ask for permission to organize the event.