
Conjugation of the verb ‘Sacar’ in Spanish.How to conjugate Sacar.

The verb sacar has several meanings in Spanish, such as “to take”, “to take out”, or “to get”. You can use sacar to express many everyday actions, from taking out the trash to getting good grades. This guide will help you understand the conjugations of sacar across all tenses in Spanish.


Sacar conjugation in the present tense

The present tense is used to talk about actions that are happening right now or general truths. The verb sacar in the present tense follows a regular conjugation pattern. Here’s how to conjugate sacar in the present tense:

Pronoun Conjugation
Yo saco
Él/Ella/Usted saca
Nosotros sacamos
Vosotros sacáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes sacan


  • Yo saco la basura todos los días. (I take out the trash every day.)
  • Ellos sacan buenas notas en la escuela. (They get good grades in school.)

Sacar in the preterite tense

The preterite tense is used to describe actions that were completed in the past. When conjugating the verb sacar (and other verbs that end in -car) in the preterite tense, there’s a spelling change to preserve the original sound of the verb. In the yo form of the preterite, instead of sacé (which would sound different), we write saqué to maintain the hard k sound of the verb stem. This pattern occurs in all -car verbs in the preterite tense for the yo form. Here is the conjugation of sacar in the preterite tense.

Pronoun Conjugation
Yo saqué
Él/Ella/Usted sacó
Nosotros sacamos
Vosotros sacasteis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes sacaron


  • Yo saqué buenas fotos ayer. (I took good photos yesterday.)
  • Ellos sacaron la basura por la mañana. (They took out the trash in the morning.)

Subjunctive forms of sacar

The subjunctive mood is used to express doubt, uncertainty, or hypothetical situations. You use the subjunctive form of sacar when you talk about something that might happen, like hoping or wishing someone takes something. Here are the present and imperfect subjunctive forms of sacar.

Present Subjunctive

Use the present subjunctive when expressing doubt, hopes, or wishes about something happening now or in the future.

Pronoun Conjugation
Yo saque
Él/Ella/Usted saque
Nosotros saquemos
Vosotros saquéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes saquen


  • Espero que saques buenas notas. (I hope you get good grades.)
  • Es posible que ellos saquen la basura más tarde. (It’s possible they’ll take out the trash later.)

Imperfect Subjunctive

The imperfect subjunctive is used when expressing doubt or uncertainty about past actions.

Pronoun Conjugation
Yo sacara
Él/Ella/Usted sacara
Nosotros sacáramos
Vosotros sacarais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes sacaran


  • Si sacaras la basura, la casa estaría limpia. (If you took out the trash, the house would be clean.)
  • Quería que sacaran una foto antes de irse. (I wanted them to take a photo before they left.)

Future and conditional conjugations

The future tense is used to talk about what will happen, while the conditional tense is used for what would happen under certain circumstances. Use sacar in the future or conditional when referring to actions you will or would take or take out.

Future Tense

The future tense of sacar talks about actions that will happen.

Pronoun Conjugation
Yo sacaré
Él/Ella/Usted sacará
Nosotros sacaremos
Vosotros sacaréis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes sacarán


  • Sacaré fotos durante el viaje. (I will take photos during the trip.)
  • Ellos sacarán la basura más tarde. (They will take out the trash later.)

Conditional Tense

Use the conditional tense to talk about what you would take or get under certain conditions.

Pronoun Conjugation
Yo sacaría
Él/Ella/Usted sacaría
Nosotros sacaríamos
Vosotros sacaríais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes sacarían


  • Sacaría la basura, pero está lloviendo. (I would take out the trash, but it’s raining.)
  • Ellos sacarían fotos si tuvieran una cámara. (They would take photos if they had a camera.)

Sacar in compound tenses

Compound tenses are used for actions that have happened or had happened before another action. The present perfect and past perfect tenses are used to talk about what you have taken or what you had taken out.

Present Perfect

Use the present perfect to talk about actions that you have completed recently or in the past but still have relevance now.

Pronoun Conjugation
Yo he sacado
has sacado
Él/Ella/Usted ha sacado
Nosotros hemos sacado
Vosotros habéis sacado
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes han sacado


  • Yo he sacado muchas fotos este año. (I have taken many pictures this year.)
  • Ellos han sacado la basura antes de salir. (They have taken out the trash before leaving.)

Past Perfect

The past perfect, or pluperfect, is used to express actions that were completed before another action in the past.

Pronoun Conjugation
Yo había sacado
habías sacado
Él/Ella/Usted había sacado
Nosotros habíamos sacado
Vosotros habíais sacado
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes habían sacado


  • Yo había sacado la basura antes de que lloviera. (I had taken out the trash before it rained.)
  • Ellos habían sacado muchas fotos antes de que la batería se agotara. (They had taken many photos before the battery died.)

Practice conjugation of sacar

Now, try out our exercises to practice Sacar conjugations. This will help reinforce what you've learned and boost your Spanish skills.

Usage Examples sacar

  • Ellos sacan buenas notas en los exámenes. - They get good grades on the exams.
  • Vosotros sacaréis copias antes de la reunión. - You all will make copies before the meeting.
  • Tú sacaste buenas notas en el examen. - You got good grades on the exam.
  • Tú sacarás el coche del taller. - You will take the car out of the workshop.
  • Nosotros sacamos la basura juntos. - We take out the trash together.
  • Ella saca la ropa del armario. - She takes the clothes out of the closet.
  • Ella sacó al perro temprano por la mañana. - She took the dog out early in the morning.
  • Vosotros siempre sacáis cosas de la mochila. - You all always take things out of the backpack.
  • Nosotros sacamos a pasear al perro cada tarde. - We take the dog for a walk every afternoon.
  • Yo saco fotos bonitas. - I take beautiful photos.
  • Él sacó la basura el lunes. - He took out the garbage on Monday.
  • Nosotros sacamos fotos durante las vacaciones. - We take pictures during the holidays.
  • Ella saca el libro de la mochila. - She takes the book out of the backpack.
  • Vosotros sacasteis unas copias del documento. - You made some copies of the document.
  • Tú sacaste una buena nota en el examen. - You got a good grade on the exam.
  • Ella saca fotos en cada fiesta. - She takes pictures at every party.
  • Él sacará la basura el viernes. - He will take out the trash on Friday.
  • Ellos sacaron buenas notas en el examen. - They got good grades on the exam.
  • Nosotros sacamos a pasear al perro el fin de semana pasado. - We took the dog for a walk last weekend.
  • Tú sacas la basura cada mañana. - You take out the trash every morning.