Yo nací en el campo. - I was born in the countryside.
Nosotros naceremos juntos. - We will be born together.
Vosotros nacéis siempre felices. - You are always born happy.
Nosotros nacimos en una gran familia. - We were born into a big family.
Ellos nacerán en el futuro. - They will be born in the future.
Nosotros naceremos con grandes sueños. - We will be born with big dreams.
Ella nació en medio de una tormenta. - She was born in the middle of a storm.
Él nacerá con talentos únicos. - He will be born with unique talents.
Ayer nací en una familia amorosa. - Yesterday, I was born into a loving family.
Él nace todos los días con optimismo. - He is born every day with optimism.
Ellos nacieron el mismo día. - They were born on the same day.
Tú naces siempre feliz. - You are always born happy.
Vosotros nacéis con oportunidades. - You are born with opportunities.
Nosotros nacimos para ser amigos. - We were born to be friends.
Nosotros nacemos para compartir. - We are born to share.
Yo nazco con determinación. - I am born with determination.
Vosotros nacéis con una risa contagiosa. - You all are born with a contagious laugh.
Tú nacerás con una gran sonrisa. - You will be born with a big smile.
Tú naciste en una familia grande. - You were born into a big family.
Yo nacé en un lugar especial. - I was born in a special place.