Yo dije que iba a llover. - I said it was going to rain.
Ellos dijeron que les gustó mucho. - They said they liked it a lot.
Yo digo la verdad siempre. - I always tell the truth.
Yo dije la verdad ayer. - I told the truth yesterday.
Ellos dicen la verdad siempre. - They always tell the truth.
Él dijo algo muy importante en la reunión. - He said something very important in the meeting.
Yo digo que debemos estudiar más. - I say that we should study more.
Yo dije mi opinión sobre el libro. - I said my opinion about the book.
Vosotros decís muchas palabras en español. - You all say many words in Spanish.
Ella dirá qué quiere para cenar. - She will say what she wants for dinner.
Yo diré quienes son mis amigos. - I will say who my friends are.
Ella dirá la respuesta correcta en el examen. - She will say the correct answer in the exam.
Yo digo la verdad siempre. - I always tell the truth.
Nosotros dijimos que íbamos a ayudar. - We said that we were going to help.
Yo dije todo lo que pasó. - I said everything that happened.
Ella dijo la verdad ayer. - She told the truth yesterday.
Vosotros decís lo que pensáis. - You all say what you think.
Ellos dirán la noticia mañana. - They will tell the news tomorrow.
Ellos dijeron que llegaron tarde ayer. - They said they arrived late yesterday.
Vosotros dijisteis que era fácil. - You all said it was easy.