Mon Aug 05 20245 min

Guide to Spanish Tenses From Present to Future with Examples

from Mateo Ríos

In this guide, we will explain six key tenses using simple example sentences, each one showing how the tense changes with the same sentence. This approach will make it easier to comprehend and remember how each tense is formed and used. By the end, you’ll have a clear overview of when to use each tense and how to practice them effectively.

Guide to Spanish Tenses From Present to Future with Examples

When to use and form each tense

Present Tense / Tiempo Presente

Used to describe actions that happen regularly, are happening now, or general truths
To form: Conjugate the verb by removing the infinitive ending (-ar, -er, -ir) and adding the appropriate present tense endings
Learn more about the Present Tense rule

Preterite Tense / Tiempo Pretérito

Used for completed actions in the past
To form: Remove the infinitive ending and add the preterite endings specific to -ar, -er, and -ir verbs
Explore the Preterite Tense rule and practice with Preterite exercises

Imperfect Tense / Tiempo Imperfecto

Describes habitual or ongoing past actions
To form: Drop the infinitive ending and add imperfect endings for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs
Discover more about the Imperfect Tense rule

Present Subjunctive / Presente Subjuntivo

Expresses desires, doubts, uncertainty, or hypothetical situations
To form: Start with the present indicative "yo" form, drop the "o," and add the opposite vowel endings (-ar verbs take -e endings, -er/-ir take -a endings)
Learn more about the Present Subjunctive rule

Past Participle / Participio Pasado

Used in perfect tenses and as an adjective
To form: Remove the verb ending and add -ado for -ar verbs and -ido for -er/-ir verbs
Check out more about the Past Participle rule and practice with Past Participle exercises

Future Tense / Tiempo Futuro

Describes actions that will happen in the future
To form: Keep the entire infinitive and add future tense endings
Learn more about the Future Tense rule and practice with Future Tense exercises

Now that we've covered the basics of when to use each tense, let's look at how the same sentence changes across these six tenses. This will give you a clearer understanding of how Spanish verbs are conjugated and used in context. Below, each sentence is shown in all six tenses for easy comparison.

I eat an apple / Yo como una manzana

Tense English Spanish
Present I eat an apple Yo como una manzana
Preterite I ate an apple Yo comí una manzana
Imperfect I used to eat an apple Yo comía una manzana
Present Subjunctive I hope you eat an apple Espero que comas una manzana
Past Participle I have eaten an apple Yo he comido una manzana
Future I will eat an apple Yo comeré una manzana

You drive a car / Tú conduces un coche

Tense English Spanish
Present You drive a car Tú conduces un coche
Preterite You drove a car Tú condujiste un coche
Imperfect You used to drive a car Tú conducías un coche
Present Subjunctive I hope you drive a car Espero que conduzcas un coche
Past Participle You have driven a car Tú has conducido un coche
Future You will drive a car Tú conducirás un coche

He drinks coffee / Él bebe un café

Tense English Spanish
Present He drinks coffee Él bebe un café
Preterite He drank coffee Él beb un café
Imperfect He used to drink coffee Él bebía un café
Present Subjunctive I doubt he drinks coffee Dudo que beba un café
Past Participle He has drunk coffee Él ha bebido un café
Future He will drink coffee Él beberá un café

We live in Spain / Nosotros vivimos en España

Tense English Spanish
Present We live in Spain Nosotros vivimos en España
Preterite We lived in Spain Nosotros vivimos en España
Imperfect We used to live in Spain Nosotros vivíamos en España
Present Subjunctive I hope we live in Spain Espero que vivamos en España
Past Participle We have lived in Spain Nosotros hemos vivido en España
Future We will live in Spain Nosotros viviremos en España

They run on the track / Ellos corren en la pista

Tense English Spanish
Present They run on the track Ellos corren en la pista
Preterite They ran on the track Ellos corrieron en la pista
Imperfect They used to run on the track Ellos corrían en la pista
Present Subjunctive I hope they run on the track Espero que corran en la pista
Past Participle They have run on the track Ellos han corrido en la pista
Future They will run on the track Ellos correrán en la pista

You (formal) buy groceries / Usted compra víveres

Tense English Spanish
Present You (formal) buy groceries Usted compra víveres
Preterite You (formal) bought groceries Usted compró víveres
Imperfect You (formal) used to buy groceries Usted compraba víveres
Present Subjunctive I recommend you buy groceries Recomiendo que usted compre víveres
Past Participle You (formal) have bought groceries Usted ha comprado víveres
Future You (formal) will buy groceries Usted comprará víveres


By understanding the different Spanish tenses and seeing how they affect the same sentence, you'll have a clearer grasp of how verb conjugations work. These six tenses are foundational to speaking Spanish fluently and confidently. Be sure to follow the links for in-depth explanations of each tense and practice exercises to solidify your learning!

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