Nosotros hemos venido en coche a la playa. - We have come by car to the beach.
Él vino al parque la semana pasada. - He came to the park last week.
Él ha venido a la escuela todos los días. - He has come to school every day.
Tú viniste al mercado el martes. - You came to the market on Tuesday.
Ellos vienen al concierto esta noche. - They are coming to the concert tonight.
Ellos vienen al parque de atracciones en vacaciones. - They come to the amusement park on vacation.
Él vino al banco antes de cerrarse. - He came to the bank before it closed.
Nosotros vinimos en coche desde la ciudad. - We came by car from the city.
Vosotros vendréis a mi casa para cenar. - You all will come to my house for dinner.
Vosotros venís al parque los domingos. - You all come to the park on Sundays.
Yo vengo a la escuela en autobús. - I come to school by bus.
Vosotros vendréis al estadio para el partido. - You all will come to the stadium for the match.
Tú vienes al cine conmigo esta tarde. - You are coming to the movies with me this afternoon.
Mañana yo vendré a la playa con mis amigos. - Tomorrow I will come to the beach with my friends.
Yo vine a la tienda a comprar leche. - I came to the store to buy milk.
Él viene al hotel para una reunión. - He comes to the hotel for a meeting.
Vosotros vinisteis al taller el jueves. - You all came to the workshop on Thursday.
Nosotros venimos al gimnasio cada mañana. - We come to the gym every morning.
Tú viniste a la fiesta anoche. - You came to the party last night.
Tú vienes a la biblioteca después de la clase. - You come to the library after class.