
Conjugation of the verb ‘Oír’ in Spanish.How to conjugate Oír.

The verb "Oír" is one of the most important and commonly used verbs in the Spanish language, meaning "to hear." In this article, we’ll explore how to conjugate the verb "Oír," focusing on its various tenses, including present, preterite, and imperfect, while providing practical examples to help reinforce understanding.

Present tense conjugation of Oír

The present tense of "Oír" introduces learners to the irregular "yo" form and other changes. Unlike regular verbs, "Oír" deviates in several forms, making it one of the more challenging verbs to master.

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Yo oigo
Él/Ella/Usted oye
Nosotros/Nosotras oímos
Vosotros/Vosotras oís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes oyen

Example Sentences:

  • Yo oigo música todos los días. (I hear music every day.)
  • ¿Oyes ese sonido extraño? (Do you hear that strange sound?)
  • Ellos oyen la noticia en la radio. (They hear the news on the radio.)

Preterite conjugation of Oír

In the preterite tense, "Oír" undergoes significant stem changes, introducing the "y" in some forms.

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Él/Ella/Usted oyó
Nosotros/Nosotras oímos
Vosotros/Vosotras oísteis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes oyeron

Example Sentences:

  • Yo oí un ruido en la noche. (I heard a noise at night.)
  • Oyó la canción en la radio. (He heard the song on the radio.)
  • Oyeron el anuncio en la televisión. (They heard the announcement on TV.)

Imperfect tense and other irregular forms

The imperfect tense is more predictable and is used to describe ongoing or habitual past actions.

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Yo oía
Él/Ella/Usted oía
Nosotros/Nosotras oíamos
Vosotros/Vosotras oíais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes oían

Example Sentences:

  • Oíamos música todos los días. (We used to hear music every day.)
  • Ella oía cuentos cuando era niña. (She used to hear stories when she was a child.)
  • Oían la misma canción todos los veranos. (They used to hear the same song every summer.)

Practical use of Oír in different contexts

It’s important to distinguish between Oír (to hear) and Escuchar (to listen). Oír refers to passive hearing, while Escuchar implies active listening.

  • Oigo ruido en la calle. (I hear noise in the street.)
  • Escucho música todos los días. (I listen to music every day.)

Common mistakes and tips

Here are a few common mistakes to avoid and tips for mastering the verb Oír:

  • Mixing up "Oír" and "Escuchar": Remember that Oír is passive and Escuchar is active.
  • Forgetting the Irregular "Yo" Form: Make sure to memorize yo oigo instead of following regular verb patterns.
  • Struggling with Preterite Forms: Pay extra attention to the "y" in oyó and oyeron.

Tips for Mastery:

  • Practice with flashcards or write out the conjugations multiple times.
  • Create sentences using the different tenses to reinforce your understanding.
  • Regularly use the verb in conversation to build muscle memory.

Summary of key points and practice exercises

To sum up, mastering the verb Oír involves understanding its irregularities in the present, preterite, and imperfect tenses. The present tense features forms like oigo and oyes, while the preterite tense introduces stem changes like oyó and oyeron. The imperfect tense is much more regular and is used for ongoing or habitual past actions.

Now that you've finished the guide, try out our exercises to practice Oír conjugations . This will help reinforce what you've learned and boost your Spanish skills.

Usage Examples oír

  • Yo oiré a mi amigo cuando llegue. - I will hear my friend when he/she arrives.
  • Nosotros oímos un trueno durante la tormenta. - We heard a thunder during the storm.
  • Tú oyes los pájaros en la mañana. - You hear the birds in the morning.
  • Vosotros oísteis la música desde lejos. - You all heard the music from afar.
  • Ellos oyen la radio todas las mañanas. - They listen to the radio every morning.
  • Ellas oyen la música desde lejos. - They hear the music from afar.
  • Él oyó las noticias en la televisión. - He heard the news on the television.
  • Tú oyes a los niños jugar. - You hear the children playing.
  • Él oye a su perro ladrar. - He hears his dog bark.
  • Nosotros oiremos las noticias por la radio. - We will hear the news on the radio.
  • Yo oigo música todos los días. - I hear music every day.
  • Ayer yo no oí nada. - Yesterday, I didn't hear anything.
  • Hoy oigo mi canción favorita. - Today I hear my favorite song.
  • Él oirá las noticias por la noche. - He will hear the news at night.
  • Nosotros oímos a los vecinos hablar en el pasillo. - We hear the neighbors talking in the hallway.
  • Ayer oí una canción bonita. - Yesterday I heard a beautiful song.
  • Tú oíste música en la fiesta. - You heard music at the party.
  • Tú oíste el teléfono sonar. - You heard the phone ring.
  • Carlos y Ana oyeron la alarma sonar. - Carlos and Ana heard the alarm sound.
  • Tú oyes los consejos de tus amigos. - You hear your friends' advice.