Él debió llegar temprano a la reunión. - He should have arrived early to the meeting.
Nosotros debemos ir al médico una vez al año. - We must go to the doctor once a year.
Tú deberás llamar a tu abuela esta semana. - You shall call your grandmother this week.
Vosotros debéis respetar las señales de tráfico. - You must respect the traffic signs.
Ella debía escribir una carta para su amigo. - She had to write a letter for her friend.
Ella debe leer este libro para la clase. - She should read this book for the class.
Nosotros debemos comer más frutas. - We should eat more fruits.
Tú debes descansar más. - You should rest more.
Yo debo levantarme temprano todos los días. - I must get up early every day.
Ellos deben estudiar para el examen. - They must study for the exam.
Nosotros debíamos limpiar la casa el sábado pasado. - We were supposed to clean the house last Saturday.
Él debe terminar su tarea antes de jugar. - He must finish his homework before playing.
Nosotros debimos salir temprano. - We should have left early.
Vosotros debisteis escuchar a vuestra madre. - You all should have listened to your mother.
Nosotros debimos preparar la cena juntos. - We were supposed to prepare dinner together.
Vosotros debíais llegar a tiempo a la reunión. - You all should have arrived on time to the meeting.
Vosotros debíais estudiar para la prueba. - You were supposed to study for the test.
Ellos deberán estudiar para el examen final. - They must study for the final exam.
Tú debiste ayudarme con la tarea. - You should have helped me with the homework.
Ellos debieron escuchar las instrucciones. - They should have listened to the instructions.